Sunday 2 December 2018

Make Her Regret Dumping You

Make Her Regret Dumping You

Discover how to make your girlfriend regret dumping you and make her want you back by learning all about the female psyche and reading between the lines.

Is your heart breaking? You will probably feel like it is the end of the world and think that there is no change of you ever getting back together again. The best thing for you to do now is to follow some proven tips. It is possible that she broke up with you on the spur of the moment and did not truly think about the implications. Doing some research on the female mind is what you have to do now. This will help you to work out why she was unhappy in your relationship and give you the tools you need to win back her love. When you do this you will be able to better understand what went wrong and exactly what you should be doing to get her back again.

Women can act on their emotions

Women can be very volatile at the best of times and make decisions that they later regret. Once they have time to reflect on their decision they could well end up begging for you to take them back without you having to lift a finger. If this happens then you are one of the lucky ones. Some of us have to work a little harder in making our girlfriends regret dumping us. There are proven things that you can do that will make this easy. Read on to find out what they are.

The way that you act after the break up is crucial

The way that you behave after your break up will either confirm her decision to break up with you or question why the reasons why she did it. You want her to feel the latter and ask herself why she was silly enough to end your relationship. To do this you will have to act maturely and in a way that she does not expect. If you lower yourself and beg and plead her to give it another try, you will go down in her estimation. She has to realise that you are better than this. When you illustrate that you have self respect and value yourself, she will in turn respect you.

Distance yourself from her

We all value things that are rare, it is human psychology. Therefore, if you make yourself scarce and do not contact her after the break up, this will be highly effective. You will have turned yourself into a rare and precious commodity that she has no access to. This will then make her start pining for you and miss you, very powerful feelings that will soon make her regret dumping you in the first place.

It is very important that you don't send her texts, emails or chase after her. You have to show her your inherent value as a person and that you have better things to do with your time than pine after her. Truth is she will be expecting you to put up some sort of a fight and want her back. When you don't give her the satisfaction of this then she will be surprised. This will ultimately throw her off guard and make her curious about you. This is a huge reversal of psychology and you will be pulling her back in your direction without her even knowing that you are doing it.

If you do not give her the chance to miss you then you will never get you back. This is the key to making her want you again. The best way to do this is of course to have no contact with her and keep yourself busy. If you can pull this off then she will be the one that ends up chasing you.

Have some self respect for yourself

Remember, act in a dignified and mature way and she will soon see your value and regret what she has given up. If you do not value yourself to begin with, it will be very hard for her to value you. A lot of your self worth stems from knowing what you deserve and maintaining your dignity. If you act in a way that shows her that you are someone of integrity and have high self esteem then this will rub off on her and she will start to regret breaking up with you.

Your Next Steps

Getting your girl back again is not as impossible as it first seems, I hope that this is now clear to you. A big part of being successful in your attempts is understanding women and how they act. Some of it is down to timing as well and knowing the right things to say. When you have these three things figured out, getting her back is easy. Simply learn the strategies on how to get her back and you will soon see what you have been doing wrong.

The first thing that you will need to do is to work out how to make her miss you and then learn the signs she wants you back. When you understand these things you will have a great advantage and then you can implement a plan of attack to get her back in your life again.

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