Monday 3 December 2018

Use Simple SEO Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Facebook Fan Page

Use Simple SEO Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Facebook Fan Page

Get More Traffic and Fans to Your Facebook Fan Page with SEO

The level Facebook has reached with over 500 million members is incredible, even though it has been around for quite some time. It's growing faster than any other company in the world, which means if you're not taking advantage of it, you're losing something. You can easily be a part of the Facebook mania and utilize it for growing your business by creating your own Facebook fan page, where people can join and interact. But, to make sure you have new fans coming to your page daily you will have to drive traffic to it regularly. You can achieve this by doing a little SEO on your page which will drive organic traffic to your fan page. Follow these simple tips to increase the number of fans you have.

The first thing you need to make sure of is that your Facebook fan page name and your brand name are the same. In other words, you need to make sure you have carefully chosen your Facebook fan page's name. You should opt for a name that goes with what business you're in and also what you plan to do. This is why your brand name will always do, as you don't want be seen as a scammer by having a lot of vague keywords and phrases in your name. One other thing you need to keep in mind when naming your page is that you shouldn't change it once you've set it. When you name your page, Google uses this information to place it in the serps, and if you change your name, you will likely change your page's positioning. The reason this happens is because Google uses the title of a page to determine where to place it in the results, and if you change anything Google will start at square one when determining where you place you.

When you create your fan page, you'll notice a few default tabs where you can have your visitors land. But these tabs have only limited options such as the wall, links, info, etc. This issue, however, can be overcome with the use of FBML, an application that allows users to add in more tabs that can be filled with content that is more optimize. By adding in more boxes, you will be able to insert more links, text and images. The benefit to you is that your general content score will increase. What benefits are there from an SEO viewpoint? The likelihood of Google noticing your fan page is higher.

Lastly, show gratitude and thank all the fans that join up with you. When someone finds your page by using Google or any of the other search engines, you'll want to thank them right then if you can. You can also make your gesture even better by giving your fans something of value in return, such as a free coupon or an ebook. Don't forget to offer a quick message that thanks them.

In conclusion, the above article clearly explains us the benefits of optimizing your Facebook page for the search engines and how you can leverage them to get the most out of your page. You should never overlook a chance to send more traffic to your site because the more people who see it the more exposure you will garner. Also remember that your fans are much like your subscribers and you should treat them properly.

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